There are 18 perks for you to choose from in Call of Duty: Warzone, split into three categories effectively labelled as Blue, Red, and Yellow. Here's a breakdown of each and what they do.
Perk 1 (Blue Perks)
Double Time - Double the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%/
E.O.D. - Take reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire. Resets fuse when picking up frag grenades.
Scavenger - Resupply ammo from dead players. Scavenger packs provide throwing knives.
Cold-Blooded - Undetectable by AI targeting system and thermal optics. Does not trigger High Alert warning. Still visible to Recon Drones, but cannot be marked.
Kill Chain - Increases your chance of finding killstreaks in supply boxes. In multiplayer only, killstreak kills count towards your next killstreaks.
Quick Fix - Killing players immediately starts health regeneration.
Perk 2 (Red Perks)
Restock - Recharge equipment over 50 seconds. Throwing knives can recharge 1 extra knife, decoy grenades and stim recharge twice as fast. In multiplier only the recharge takes just 25 seconds.
Hardline - 25% off kiosk price for killstreaks, field upgrades, and armour plates. In multiplayer only your killstreaks cost 1 less kill and reduces Specialist perk cost by 1.
Overkill - Carry two primary weapons. Cannot equip two of the same weapon, secondaries cannot be equipped.
High Alert - Your vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you. Multiplayer: also triggered by enemies controlling chopper gunners, wheelsons, IAVs and APCs.
Ghost - Undetectable by UAVs, Radar Drones and Heartbeat Sensors. Still appear on killstreak radar when firing a weapon, and detectable by Advanced UAV but removes direction.
Pointman - All members of your team earn more money from completed missions. Multiplayer only: turns your killstreaks into scorestreaks.
Tempered - Instead of three plates being required to get you to max armor, Tempered reduces the requirement to two.
Perk 3 (Yellow Perks)
Tune Up - Reduce the charge time of field upgrades by 40%. Warzone only: Reduces revive time by 25%.
Amped - Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed. Does not affect swapping to pistols and knives. Most equipment is used faster.
Shrapnel - Spawn with an extra piece of lethal equipment. Explosive damage delays enemy health regeneration by 3 seconds.
Battle Hardened - Reduce strength of enemy flash, stun, EMP and gas effects. Immune to snapshot grenades.
Spotter - See enemy equipment, field upgrades and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by aiming down sights. Hack enemy claymores, proximity mines, C4 and trophy systems. Advanced UAVs can't be marked.
Tracker - Enemies leave behind a footprint trail. See markets at enemy death locations and hide the death markers of enemies you kill.
Combat Scout - Shooting an enemy will ping their location for you and let you know their whereabouts for the next five seconds. Even if they’re on the other side of a wall.