Star Wars
Star Wars, film series created by George Lucas that became one of the most successful and influential franchises in movie history. Begun in the 1970s at the turn of the 21st century, the series advanced the field of special effects and developed into a highly lucrative merchandising industry.
Dark Side andLight Side of the Force
The dark side of the Force, also known as Bogan, was one of two ways of channeling the Force. To tap into the power of the dark side was to indulge in raw emotions such as passion. The dark side was greed; the fear of change and the inability to let go. By holding on to things, one rebelled against the will of the Force and became angry and hateful, which in turn led to suffering. Those who were unable to conquer their dark side were devoured by it. The Sith were Force-sensitives well known for embracing the dark side and being the mortal enemies of the Jedi, who served the will of the Force and thus the light side of the Force.
The light side of the Force, also commonly known as the Ashla by ancient Force-sensitives on Tython, or simply the Force by the Jedi, was a method of using the Force that entailed the devotion of oneself to the will of the Force and was aligned with honesty, compassion, mercy, and self-sacrifice.